We respect our visitors’ right to online privacy. We never release, sell, or share information such as your name, address, e-mail address, occupation and other details.
We keep your information confidential, including limiting access to our files, communicating this policy statement to all employees, and enforcing penalties for violating this statement.
Visitors who sign-up for regular communications or contact us via email, your email address and correspondence is saved in order to provide you the best service possible.
We do occasionally send eNewsletters to registrants and existing clients. The emails provide a link to unsubscribe and remove yourself from future mailings.
Anyone receiving our communications in error or no longer desire to receive them, should inform us and we will remove your name from our mailing lists. We are judicious in the use of e-mail to clients. We treat recipients as we would like to be treated.
We may provide links to sites that operate under different privacy practices. We encourage our visitors to review the privacy policies of such sites before providing any personal information.
Our website uses cookies to operate but only if you create a login account.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of this site, or the information you have submitted, please contact us.